Results for 'Vladimir Junior Sosa Sanchez'

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  1. Lara Amat y León, Joan (Ed). La ciudadanía y lo político. Ciudadanía y crisis de la democracia liberal en un mundo en transformación.Vladimir Junior Sosa Sanchez - 2020 - In Miguel Ángel Polo, Cuadernos de ética y filosofía política. Lima: pp. 227-232.
    La ciudadanía y lo político. Ciudadanía y crisis de la democracia liberal en un mundo en transformación es un texto provocador, que desafía directamente a las esferas de poder económico, político y social en el marco de la corrupción. Deja al descubierto las entrañas cancerígenas de una política enferma de poder, donde priman los intereses particulares o políticos sobre los intereses del pueblo. El libro es una lanza que atraviesa las profundidades que erosionan nuestra sociedad, realizando así un análisis riguroso (...)
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  2. Corrupción política: Repensando un mal social.Vladimir Junior Sosa Sanchez (ed.) - 2021 - Lima: Miguel Polo Santillán.
    Una pandemia ha golpeado a millones de familias en el mundo. Este problema global parecía que cuestionaba todas nuestras formas de vida. No obstante, los malos hábitos y las viejas estructuras corruptas comenzaron a aprovecharse de esta situación. Y la corrupción volvió a la escena, en la sobrevaloración de medicamentos o equipos médicos, en la mala repartición de víveres o de dinero, en el cobro de dinero por ingreso a una unidad de cuidado intensivo, aprovecharse de su posición política para (...)
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    Semiótica, planeación y estrategia publicitaria: aproximaciones desde la pragmática peirceana.Vladimir Sánchez Riaño, Jairo Roberto Sojo Gómez & Juan José Arango Correa - 2014 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 35 (111):29.
    El presente artículo es el resultado de un proceso de investigación originado en la Maestría en Publicidad de la UTL, en la línea de Semiótica Publicitaria, dirigida por el profesor Vladimir Sánchez, quien en su seminario, ha venido construyendo un equipo de trabajo con los maestrantes en torno a la aplicabilidad de algunos de los postulados de la pragmática de Charles Sanders Peirce al campo publicitario. Los maestrantes Jairo Sojo y Juan José Arango, adelantaron algunas hipótesis sobre el trabajo (...)
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    Effects of social and affective content on exogenous attention as revealed by event-related potentials.Vladimir Kosonogov, Jose M. Martinez-Selva, Eduvigis Carrillo-Verdejo, Ginesa Torrente, Luis Carretié & Juan P. Sanchez-Navarro - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (4):683-695.
    ABSTRACTThe social content of affective stimuli has been proposed as having an influence on cognitive processing and behaviour. This research was aimed, therefore, at studying whether automatic exogenous attention demanded by affective pictures was related to their social value. We hypothesised that affective social pictures would capture attention to a greater extent than non-social affective stimuli. For this purpose, we recorded event-related potentials in a sample of 24 participants engaged in a digit categorisation task. Distracters were affective pictures varying in (...)
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    La virgen de los sicarios: conciencia colectiva y sujeto no consciente.Vladimir Sánchez Riaño & Lucero Tonkinson - 2021 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 42 (124).
    Desde una perspectiva sociocrítica, este artículo aborda la relación entre literatura, historia y sociedad con el interés de realizar un acercamiento al fenómeno del sicariato en Colombia a partir de la novela La virgen de los sicarios de Fernando Vallejo. Para ello, se realizan tres grandes acápites. Primero, una perspectiva general del fenómeno conocido como “La violencia” en Colombia; segundo, una explicación breve del concepto de sociocrítica como método de estudio; y, tercero, un análisis de la novela.
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    SOLOVIOV, VLADÍMIR, La transfiguración de la belleza. Escritos de estética, edición y traducción preparada por Miriam Fernández Calzada, Sígueme, Salamanca, 2021, 363 pp. [REVIEW]Alberto Sánchez-León - 2021 - Anuario Filosófico 54 (3):641-643.
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    Theory of Deductive Systems and Its Applications.S. Iu Maslov, Michael Gelfond & Vladimir Lifschitz - 1987 - MIT Press (MA).
    In a fluent, clear, and lively style this translation by two of Maslov's junior colleagues brings the work of the late Soviet scientist S. Yu. Maslov to a wider audience. Maslov was considered by his peers to be a man of genius who was making fundamental contributions in the fields of automatic theorem proving and computational logic. He published little, and those few papers were regarded as notoriously difficult. This book, however, was written for a broad audience of readers (...)
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    Exploring Teachers’ Satisfaction and Students’ Entrepreneurial Competencies in Four Entrepreneurial Programs Carried Out in Extremadura (Spain) Schools.Juan José Maldonado Briegas, Antonio Citarella, Ana Isabel Sánchez Iglesias, Sergio Gonzáles Ballester, A. Javier Alvarez Marínez & Florencio Vicente Castro - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The question of whether the entrepreneur is born or made, forces us to respond that the entrepreneurial culture clearly breaks with the myth that entrepreneurs are born. Currently, it is considered that entrepreneurial skills can be acquired like any other discipline and that is why it should be taught. Their teaching and learning are key to the well-being of the teacher and to the positive achievement of the students. The entrepreneurial culture is an educational objective of developed societies and has (...)
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    Ipseitas.Bento Prado Júnior - 2017 - Belo Horizonte: Autêntica. Edited by Vladimir Safatle.
    Bento Prado Júnior (1937-2007) foi um dos mais importantes nomes da filosofia feita no Brasil. AUtor de poucos livros mas de vasta produção ensaística, desenvolveu uma ampla reflexão sobre a figura contemporânea do sujeito, e sua originalidade sempre foi reconhecida por seus pares. EM seus últimos anos, o filósofo se dedicava à elaboração de uma trilogia da qual este livro seria o primeiro volume. ELa versaria sobre as relações entre teoria do sujeito (Ipseitas), teoria da ação (Actio) e teoria estética (...)
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  10. Lying to others, lying to yourself, and literal self-deception.Vladimir Krstić - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    This paper examines the connection between lies, deception, and self-deception. Understanding this connection is important because the consensus is that you cannot deceive yourself by lying since you cannot make yourself believe as true a proposition you already believe is false – and, as a liar, you must assert a proposition you believe is false. My solution involves refining our analysis of lying: people can lie by asserting what they confidently believe is true. Thus, self-deceivers need not replace one belief (...)
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  11. On Progress in Philosophy.Vladimir V. Mironov - 2013 - Metaphilosophy 44 (1-2):10-14.
    This article seeks to clarify the concept of progress in philosophy. It treats progress as a kind of development. But not every development is a progress. When we talk about progress, what really matters is the direction of development. In some cases it is relatively easy to reach agreement about this direction. But not in the case of philosophy, if we abstract it from the obvious and the trivial, like the number of books on philosophy. As a result, the article (...)
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    Mathematics and the roots of postmodern thought.Vladimir Tasić - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This is a charming and insightful contribution to an understanding of the "Science Wars" between postmodernist humanism and science, driving toward a resolution of the mutual misunderstanding that has driven the controversy. It traces the root of postmodern theory to a debate on the foundations of mathematics early in the 20th century, then compares developments in mathematics to what took place in the arts and humanities, discussing issues as diverse as literary theory, arts, and artificial intelligence. This is a straightforward, (...)
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  13.  43
    Electrophysiological and phenomenological effects of short-term immersion in an altered sensory environment.Vladimir Miskovic, Jeffrey O. Bagg, Matthew Ríos & Jourdan J. Pouliot - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 70:39-49.
  14. Bald-faced lying to institutions: deception or manipulation.Vladimir Krstić - 2024 - Synthese 203 (4):1-13.
    Deceptionism about lying is the view that all lies are intended to deceive. This view sits uneasily with some cases that seem to involve lies not intended to deceive. We call these lies bald-faced because the liar lies while believing that the hearer knows that they are lying. The most recent deceptionist argument put forward by Rudnicki and Odrowąż-Sypniewska (this journal) defends the view that all genuine bald-faced lies are intended to deceive some of their hearers. I argue that this (...)
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    Early information processing biases in social anxiety.Vladimir Miskovic & Louis A. Schmidt - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (1):176-185.
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    Le paradoxe de la morale.Vladimir Jankélévitch - 1981
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  17. Vreme, objasnjenje, modalnost (Time, Explanation, Modality).Vladimir Marko - 2004 - Novi Sad, Serbia: Futura.
  18.  17
    Book Review: The Elephants Teach: Creative Writing Since 1880. [REVIEW]Robert Grudin - 1996 - Philosophy and Literature 20 (2):529-532.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Elephants Teach: Creative Writing Since 1880Robert GrudinThe Elephants Teach: Creative Writing Since 1880, by D. G. Myers; 224 pp. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1996, $30.40 paper.D. G. Myers opens his history of creating writing instruction in America with an anecdote: When Vladimir Nabokov was proposed for a chair in literature at Harvard, Roman Jakobson objected. “What’s next?” he said. “Shall we appoint [End Page (...)
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  19.  35
    Processual Thinking in the Ontological and Epistemological context of Quantum Mechanics.Vladimir I. Arshinov & Vladimir G. Budanov - 2019 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 62 (7):21-36.
    The problem of commensurability/incommensurability of different cultural codes is a key problem of modern civilizational development. This is the problem of the search for communicative unity in the world of cultural and biological diversity, which has to be protected, and the search for the cohesion of different Umwelten, of semiotically-defined artificial and natural environments, of ecological and cognitive niches, taking into account that each of them has their own identity and uniqueness. The purpose of the article is to draw attention (...)
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    (1 other version)Mathematics and Revolutionary Theory: Reading Castoriadis after Badiou.Vladimir Tasic - 2012 - Cosmos and History 8 (2):60-77.
    The article offers a comparative analysis of the uses of set theory in Castoriadis's "The Imaginary Institution of Society" and Badiou's "Being and Event".
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  21. Modelling Speech and Speakers: Gadamer and Davidson on dialogue, agreement, and intelligible difference.Vladimir Lazurca - 2022 - Labyrinth: An International Journal for Philosophy, Value Theory and Sociocultural Hermeneutics 24 (1):67-95.
    This paper examines Gadamer's and Davidson's dialogical models of interpretation. It shows them to be comparable, but importantly dissimilar with respect to the kind of agreement they require for communication to be possible. It is argued that this difference entails different concepts of alterity: they model not only how we talk, but implicitly who we can intelligibly talk to. Another important contribution of this paper is to uncover a distinction in Gadamer between two kinds of agreement missed so far by (...)
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  22. Flexibility and utility of the cell cycle ontology.Vladimir Mironov, Erick Antezana, Mikel Egaña, Ward Blondé, Bernard De Baets, Martin Kuiper & Robert Stevens - 2011 - Applied ontology 6 (3):247-261.
    The Cell Cycle Ontology (CCO) has the aim to provide a ‘one stop shop’ for scientists interested in the biology of the cell cycle that would like to ask questions from a molecular and/or systems pe...
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    Are We There Yet? A Narrative of Firsthand Interpreter Experiences in the Medical Field and Insights to Aid Language Access Compliance.Hilda Sanchez-Herrera - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (3):154-156.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Are We There Yet?A Narrative of Firsthand Interpreter Experiences in the Medical Field and Insights to Aid Language Access ComplianceHilda Sanchez-HerreraMy Spanish interpreting journey began in 2008. In those days, very little training was available, and online studies were very new and rare. Early trainings involved out-of-town interpreter and translation conferences, reading the recently released Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS) standards documents, and participating in the diversity (...)
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    From Explanation to Understanding.Vladimir P. Filatov - 2023 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 60 (2):6-22.
    Understanding has usually been seen as a method of hermeneutics. Until recently, philosophers of science paid little attention to the topic of scientific understanding because they came to the conclusion that understanding can be nothing more than a psychological by-product of scientific activity. However, many scientists believed that understanding was an important aim of science. The article states that understanding is a universal cognitive phenomenon applicable to the knowledge of not only cultural and historical phenomena, but also natural objects and (...)
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    Post-structuralism.Vladimir L. Schulz & Tatiana M. Lyubimova - 2023 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 60 (2):151-167.
    The article draws a conceptual distinction the (French) structuralism of the 50’s–60’s and the post-structuralism of the 70’s, which are discussed as overlapping in their intellectual paths; their mutual dynamics is defined as a reaction of the intelligence to the pressure of depersonalized unified schemes within the logic of structuralism against free improvisation and loose interpretation instead of total explanations in the post-structuralism interpretation. The article establishes a conceptual identity of the paradoxical nature between post-structuralism (and deconstructionism, which is homogeneous (...)
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  26. Measuring Mindfulness: A Psychophysiological Approach.Vladimir Bostanov, Lilian Ohlrogge, Rita Britz, Martin Hautzinger & Boris Kotchoubey - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12:325019.
    Mindfulness-based interventions have proved effective in reducing various clinical symptoms and in improving general mental health and well-being. The investigation of the mechanisms of therapeutic change needs methods for assessment of mindfulness. Existing self-report measures have, however, been strongly criticized on various grounds, including distortion of the original concept, response bias, and other. We propose a psychophysiological method for the assessment of the mindfulness learned through time-limited mindfulness-based therapy by people who undergo meditation training for the first time. We use (...)
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    Teorías subjetivas de docentes acerca del tiempo en contexto de enseñanza priorizada en pandemia.Vladimir Caamaño Vega, Hedbenhard G. Díaz & Pablo J. Castro - 2024 - Logos Revista de Lingüística Filosofía y Literatura 34 (1).
    : El estudio de la percepción y significación de la variable tiempo por parte del profesorado ha sido un aporte en la comprensión de diversos fenómenos educativos. El objetivo de esta investigación cualitativa fue describir e interpretar las teorías subjetivas de docentes sobre el tiempo de enseñanza priorizada en el contexto de pandemia. Se realizaron entrevistas episódicas grupales a 11 profesores de establecimientos escolares de la Región de Coquimbo (Chile). Los datos fueron analizados utilizando procedimientos de la teoría fundamentada, lo (...)
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  28.  20
    On the Multidimensionality of Scientific Rationality and Scientific Progress.Vladimir N. Porus - 2023 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science 60 (2):58-64.
    In the polemic with T.D. Sokolova’s article the issue is discussed addressing the question whether there is anything new that we can get from the methodology of interdisciplinarity and trans-disciplinarity for determination of scientific rationality and scientific progress. The solution of this question is connected with the intensions of a historical and social-cultural epistemologies. These intentions consist in a complex or “multidimensional” approach to the creation of conceptual designs that define the application of these concepts. None of the "measurements” (methodological, (...)
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    On Czechoslovakism in Slovak Thinking.Vladimir Bakos - 1996 - Human Affairs 6 (2):154-171.
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  30. Editorial preface 3.Vladimir L. Vasyukov - 1999 - Logique Et Analyse 42:1.
  31. A version of the Jensen–Johnsbråten coding at arbitrary level n≥ 3.Vladimir Kanovei - 2001 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 40 (8):615-628.
    We generalize, on higher projective levels, a construction of “incompatible” generic Δ1 3 real singletons given by Jensen and Johnsbråten.
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    Realizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ kategorii vazhnosti v predlozhenii i v tekste.Vladimir Nikolaevich Artamonov - 2006 - Ulʹi︠a︡novsk: Ulʹi︠a︡novskiĭ gos. tekhn. universitet.
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  33. K ideovej orientácii hlasisticko-prúdistického hnutia.Vladimír Bakos - 1983 - Filozofia 38.
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    Human from the Point View of Vertically-leveled Methodology.Vladimir Barulin - 2018 - Researcher. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences 1 (1):43-60.
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    Ethics, integration, and disintegration: A Russian perspective.Vladimir Benevolenski & Andrei Kortunov - 1993 - Ethics and International Affairs 7:97–114.
    Benevolenski and Kortunov discuss the array of moral, ethnic, and nationalistic questions emerging after the disintegration of the Soviet Union. They suggest that the cause for the collapse was not poor economic performance, but a moral bankruptcy the people could no longer endure.
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    Back to the Problem of Self-Justification. Where Hegel and Feuerbach Left Off..Vladimir S. Bibler - 2021 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 58 (5):396-418.
    In this long excerpt, Bibler argues that, in Hegel’s logic, thinking devours the object—the Absolute is achieved—and therefore thinking itself disappears. Yet thinking necessarily involves being, e...
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  37. Filosofskoe znachenie "Problemy nagli︠a︡dnosti" v sovremennoĭ fizike.Vladimir Pavlovich Branskiĭ - 1962
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    The Transcendental Synthesis of World Models in Intellectual Systems.Vladimir N. Bryushinkin - 2013 - In Stefano Bacin, Alfredo Ferrarin, Claudio La Rocca & Margit Ruffing, Kant und die Philosophie in weltbürgerlicher Absicht. Akten des XI. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. Boston: de Gruyter. pp. 691-702.
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    Istoriko-filosofskie aspekty sovremennogo li︠u︡bovnogo romana v stikhakh: literaturno-filosofskiĭ traktat.Vladimir Budkov - 2010 - Moskva: Agrobiznest︠s︡entr.
    В трактате рассмотрены историко-философские аспекты современных любовных романов в стихах, написанных в русле эниологической поэзии. Для специалистов.
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    Linguistic problems in recent social research.Vladimir Cervin - 1956 - Synthese 10 (1):279 - 281.
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    Tržište ili hram: stanovište Vladimira Vujića.Vladimir Dimitrijević - 2016 - Beograd: Catena mundi.
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    Die beiden grundtypen des philosophierens.Vladimir Dvorniković - 1918 - Berlin,: L. Simion nf..
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    Chertezh antropokosmosa.Vladimir Evstegneevich Eremeev - 1993 - Moskva: ASM.
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    Filozofija renesanse i odabrani tekstovi filozofa.Vladimir Filipović - 1956 - Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Matice hrvatske.
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    Klasični njemački idealizam: i odabrani tekstovi filozofa.Vladimir Filipović - 1982 - Zagreb: Nakl. zavod Matice hrvatske.
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    The Y chromosome as a target for acquired and amplified genetic material in evolution.Vladimir A. Gvozdev, Galina L. Kogan & Lev A. Usakin - 2005 - Bioessays 27 (12):1256-1262.
    The special properties of the Y chromosome stem form the fact that it is a non‐recombining degenerate derivative of the X chromosome. The absence of homologous recombination between the X and the Y chromosome leads to gradual degeneration of various Y chromosome genes on an evolutionary timescale. The absence of recombination, however, also favors the accumulation of transposable elements on the Y chromosome during its evolution, as seen with both Drosophila and mammalian Y chromosomes. Alongside these processes, the acquisition and (...)
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  47. Břetislav Fajkus: Současná filosofie a metodologie vědy.Vladimír HavlÍk - 1998 - Filosoficky Casopis 46:704-707.
    [Břetislav Fajkus: Contemporary Philosophy and ScientificMethodology.].
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    Evoluční argument a spor o realismus.Vladimír Havlík - 2013 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 20 (1):44-63.
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  49. Einsteinův annus mirabilis.Vladimír HavlÍk - 2005 - Filosoficky Casopis 53:877-878.
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  50. Evoluční ontologie aneb Mýtus přirozenosti a reliktní antropocentrismus II.Vladimír HavlÍk - 2004 - Filosoficky Casopis 52:473-479.
    . [Evolutionary ontology or the Myth of nature. and relic anthropocentrism II].
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